After reading R.W.’s last post about Colter’s wedding last spring I ran across a photo from the holidays and it made me think about math. Simple math. You know, the kind you learn in 6th grade.
Take two adults, they get married and they (sometimes) have children who then meet other children from other marriages and they get married and they have children, who get married and have more children….
Okay, sometimes it’s not so simple. And sometimes we get things out of God’s order. But you understand the basic principle, right?
You see, these two people met and married and produced R.W., his younger brother and his little sister.
And my parents met and married and produced me (Lisa) and my little brother.
Then back in 1998 (we will leave out the boring details…) R.W. and I married and we combined our two families.
So here’s where you don’t want to get lost… My two (parents) plus R.W.’s two (parents) now equal twenty-three….
That’s four (4) parents, five(5) kids, plus three(3) additional kid-spouses, plus eight(8) grandkids, and now three (3) great-grandkids…
Isn’t love great.
Isn’t math fun when you learn to add like this?
2011 was a big year for the Hamptons, we added 3 new members with another on the way. This is the most current photo of our part of the equation. It was way too hard to get all the other parties togther for the full effect, but we sure do like this bunch and really loved having them all here in New Mexico for the Christmas holidays!
So here’s to families and how they grow and expand. We hope ours just keeps getting bigger and we consider ourselves so blessed to have so many of our members still with us.
How about your math? I bet some of your two plus two’s equal a lot more than our twenty-three! Let us know about your families & how you spend time together.