I was cleaning out my office and ran across this Kurt Markus photo from an old Western Horseman Magazine article dated September 1981. After all these years I still remember this rangy, stockin’ … [more]
Did I tell ya I was once a model for Levi’s jeans? (politics weren’t an issue back then). Yup, it was back in about 1985. Magazines, billboards and even their radio ads. Pretty … [more]
I had a fantastic weekend at Red Steagalls’ Cowboy Gathering and Western Swing Festival in Fort Worth. It was so much fun seeing so many old friends & hearing their songs & stories. … [more]
Want to introduce you to America’s oldest living Medal of Honor recipient, Bob Maxwell. He and my father-in-law hung out with me yesterday while our youngest got his hair cut. Hearing his stories … [more]
Yes…. we need your help! And I’ve drug out the “cute puppy” ploy to get your attention! You see, I released my new album a couple of weeks ago but being the “one-stop … [more]
I was just cruising Facebook with my wife and we ran across this story our friend Rory (of “Joey and Rory “) wrote about what’s been going on in their lives right now … [more]
So yesterday I asked the folks on Facebook if they had a special song with their “sweetheart” and of course to share what it was. I love to read the answers and why … [more]
Rumor is that the party of the year was today. We have all heard that the price tag on this little soirée will top $150 million dollars when the receipts come in. Now … [more]
Our place sits out in the open prairie but up above the valley, to our south the rim rock of the mesas climbs a thousand feet above us. The country between is blanketed … [more]