
Job For A Cowboy

July 30, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

4 Responses

Take one cowboy (any age) mounted on a good,  solid, reliable horse (white, of course). Now take a woman (young and beautiful, of course) who is drowning in a sea of despair due … [more]

Happy Independence Day, America!

July 2, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

11 Responses

As Americans around the world get ready with family and friends to celebrate our Independence Day, I’m contemplating the few precious hours my family and I will spend with my son, US Marine … [more]

Announcing Our New Colt’s Name

June 29, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

1 Response

Here it is… the winning name that you helped us   decide on for our new Clearview Ranch colt. This was a first for us, naming a colt by consensus (and over the internet), but … [more]

Name That Colt, Part 2

June 17, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

11 Responses

Well, everyone, after a great amount of family discussion, several rounds of elimination and a couple of serious games of rock-paper-scissors, we have narrowed it down to the final three colt names for you to … [more]

Name That Colt!

June 7, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

80 Responses

Well, friends, I’m here today to ask for some help: our newest Clearview Ranch baby needs a name! That’s right. Lisa, the boys and I can’t seem to agree on any name that … [more]

22 Years and 5 Days: A Life Well Lived

June 4, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

9 Responses

Last Monday, Memorial Day, Lisa inspired me to do something different, something special that would teach our boys and remind us adults about the real meaning of this day.  And so, about sundown, … [more]

Heart Value

May 25, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

3 Responses

There are things and then there are things. You know, you may own a rare one-of-a-kind something or other, but it doesn’t come close to meaning as much as, say, that first love … [more]

Of Men, Music, and the Land

May 17, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

1 Response

I went to town the other day to get a haircut before I flew to Florida for the weekend. As usual, our little barber shop was busy, so I got in line behind about … [more]

Living While Waiting

May 5, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

7 Responses

The last time we visited, I was waiting for our mare, Molly, to foal. Well, a little after midnight on a stormy night in late April, she finally did. It seems that she was on … [more]

The Start of Something New

April 19, 2010

By R.W. Hampton

8 Responses

Welcome to the start of something new. As with most things new, it’s a humble start. I say that because I’m writing this not from my ranch office, but rather while I’m sitting on … [more]