

R.W. Hampton

November 7, 2012

By R.W. Hampton

1 Response

Dear Friends, Well its over for now. Personally it didn’t go the way I had hoped & prayed it would. Last night I listened to the returns as I was driving through the … [more]

A Cure For What Ails Us

Cure Cancer

October 29, 2012

By R.W. Hampton

2 Responses

So the debates are behind us and the only thing now between today and the election is a gigantic storm named Sandy. If you’ve been following the posts and comments here and on … [more]

Why I Talk Politics

R.W. Hampton

October 5, 2012

By R.W. Hampton

14 Responses

Folks, last night someone commented that they didn’t like politics coming from my Facebook “music page”. Obviously they don’t know me very well. You won’t find me telling you how to vote, just … [more]

The Big Circle

R.W. Hampton Blog

September 24, 2012

By R.W. Hampton

3 Responses

Yesterday was an unusual day.  My two youngest boys and I made a big circle over into the Texas Panhandle to meet my daughter-in-law and the newest Hampton. As I held the tiny … [more]

Road-Trip Postcard: California

California Postcard

July 18, 2012

By R.W. Hampton

No Responses Yet

Hi folks! If you’ve been around me long you will learn that I write painfully slow.  I don’t use a computer at all, instead I write everything down in what Lisa calls “block … [more]


July 6, 2012

By Lisa Hampton

No Responses Yet

I don’t know about any of you, but summer kind of snuck up on me this year. One minute I was unpacking coats and gloves from a trip to the East coast in … [more]

America – It’s Independence Day!

July 3, 2012

By R.W. Hampton

5 Responses

So tomorrow is the Fourth of July, right? Well of course it is. But to me it’s more than that. It’s Independence Day! Isn’t it great that we are Americans and have such … [more]

Turning the Mares Out

July 1, 2012

By Lisa Hampton

1 Response

It’s no secret that I love photography.  The problem is that with these digital cameras now days, I take so many pictures I often forget to go back and look at what I’ve … [more]

Rodeo Man

June 29, 2012

By R.W. Hampton

3 Responses

Getting back to my music…… Rodeo season is in full swing.  Rodeo and ranching are a way of life that go hand in hand. Rodeo can be addictive though because no matter how … [more]

Warning! Soap Box Alert….

June 28, 2012

By Lisa Hampton

3 Responses

(A Guest Post by Mrs. Hampton) Hi Folks, Mrs H. here… Let me start by saying I hate it when I feel others are soap-boxing, hate reading those whiny soapbox issues, and in … [more]