Saturday, September 9, 2023
Time: 5:30
Cowboy Campfire Gatherin’
Adrian City Park
Adrian, TX
Vist the venue's website
RW’s so excited to be part of this wonderful event! Located at the mid-point of Historic Route 66, the Cowboy Campfire Gatherin’ is an outdoor ministry created by the First Baptist Church of Adrian, Texas and co-sponsored by area ranches and agri-businesses, designed to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with ranch cowboys and cowgirls.
The event features a campfire, a free hot chuckwagon style meal and cowboy folk songs presented by some of America’s most legendary cowboy singers and poets.
Chuckwagon Dinner- Come enjoy the evening with a free outdoor chuckwagon dinner with all the fixins’. Serving will begin at 5:30pm for ticket holders and seating is limited to 300. Free Meal Tickets can be picked up at the large Chuckwagon Tent or First Baptist Church, Adrian, Texas, on the day of the event and are available on a first come, first served basis. You MUST be present to receive a meal ticket.
*Open Serving*
If you don’t have a meal ticket, open serving will begin at 6:45 on a first come, first served basis…… “til the grub runs out!”