Posts Tagged ‘Choco’

Announcing Our New Colt’s Name

Posted on: June 29th, 2010 by R.W. Hampton 1 Comment

Here it is… the winning name that you helped us   decide on for our new Clearview Ranch colt. This was a first for us, naming a colt by consensus (and over the internet), but it was pretty darn fun and we are sure pleased with the results! Take a look at the video to find out the winning name and see some cute clips of this little firecracker in action! 

Speaking of firecrackers, it is almost the fourth of July and I was so inspired by all of your Memorial Day stories and an idea that Lisa gave me that I sat down and wrote a song I think you will enjoy. I’m gonna be at the big Cimarron Maverick Rodeo on the Fourth. Since many of you may not be able to be here with me, I figured I’d get Lisa to set up our little camera and, in the spirit of Independence Day, I’m going to sing it just for you. Be sure to check back here in a couple of days!

Name That Colt, Part 2

Posted on: June 17th, 2010 by R.W. Hampton 11 Comments

Well, everyone, after a great amount of family discussion, several rounds of elimination and a couple of serious games of rock-paper-scissors, we have narrowed it down to the final three colt names for you to vote on!!!!

We want to thank everyone for ALL the great suggestions! We had almost 250 names suggested for us to consider! We had to eliminate some good ones as they were already taken by current or previous members of our “pet family” or horse herd, and some will be considered when it comes time to register him formally. These final three all seem to fit his personality and we will be thrilled to go with the one that gets the most votes!

#1 – Butler (suggested by Eddie Lanham). This was the name of General Wade Hampton’s favorite horse that he rode into battle – including being ridden in the battle of Gettysburg. R.W. says, “Now, you talk about a broke horse! I’ll bet he was something else.”

#2 – Choco (suggested by Marsha McCleary). We all liked the names associated with chocolate as it is sweet, rich and loved by all of us; and this colt looks like he’s gonna be a smooth solid brown. It didn’t hurt that anything chocolate is R.W.’s personal choice when grabbing a midnight snack! This version of “chocolate” is unique and fun and has a nice ring to it.

#3 – Roscoe (suggested by several folks). Our friends had a big black gelding who was gentle, but full of personality. He died this spring peacefully of old age, after having been around long enough to have helped several of the kids in these parts learn to ride and develop a deep love for horses. We include this name in honor of Roscoe and the fun that he symbolizes to us.

Please cast your vote using the poll on the upper right hand side of this page. The poll is now open. The poll is now closed. Vote for your favorite name before midnight, June 23 and help us pick this little guy a name he can grow into!

Mother and colt

All the best from R.W., Lisa and the rest of the Clearview Ranch family!