Many of you will remember a few weeks back I came to my Facebook friends for advice on a dilemma I was facing. My cell phone had decided to quit me cold at the absolute worst time. A week or so later I threatened the phone with a bullet and it miraculously worked again. I then couldn’t decide if I should shoot my unfaithful “quitter” phone & get a new one or try to figure out what was wrong with the old one and make it last a few more months. Well, almost without exception your collective advice was “Get a sweet new phone then shoot the old &*^*%*!”
So after finally making that trip to town and dealing with the phone salesman for a new “completely dependable” model.
Well, that’s just what I did & I gotta tell ya, it was a beautiful, liberating experience!
Calvin helped me by playing photo journalist and documenting the affair for your enjoyment.
My good-neighbor Rob caught the fever & he’s bringing over a coffee maker, alarm clock, and his wife’s phone.
Yes sir, there is true therapy, healing and just plain pure pleasure in taking target practice on those small “lectric” gadgets that quit us just when we are depending on them. Right now I’ve got a wrist watch that may “get it” if it doesn’t stop losing time!
Anyhow, as much as I love music, I think I have found something else I’m good at & love even more!
So, if you’ve got a cell phone that needs a permanent solution, send it on over! The boys and I will “drill it” with the old 45, photograph it & send it back to you with a note of “authentification” from yours truly!
No more dropped calls on that phone! LOL
Now to just go figure out how to run that new one…..
Yours truly,
P.S. Make sure you take out the SIM card!
Mail your “unfaithful” phone to: R.W. Hampton, PO Box 150, Cimarron NM 87714 and I will shoot it, take a picture with your phone, sign it and send it back… and maybe even include some music or other goodies….
Thanks R.W. and Calvin for the post. I’ve been needing to do this to my wife’s Samsung-something-or-rather “touch screen” for sometime now! The one place she needs reception is at home (no longer have the landline) and home is where that little modern marvel drops most of her calls. I’d like to send it to you guys for the “lead poisoning deed” but I can hardly stand the thought of someone else getting the thrill and exileration of putting one between the cellular eyes of that gadget. So, I guess we’ll be having our own duel at high noon here at our place. Hey, our air conditioner here at the house has been acting up….. Nah, we better just call the man!
Excellent! But for the postage there are any number of electronic instruments of perpetual torment that deserve this treatment around here!
My phone is working just fine but I am due a “free upgrade.” I’m thinking it might be worth the effort to get the dang upgrade and send you Ol’ Faithful just so you can shoot another gol durn gadget – but what does that do to my karmic balance? Conundrum.
More thought required… I’ll get back to you.