Folks, last night someone commented that they didn’t like politics coming from my Facebook “music page”. Obviously they don’t know me very well.
You won’t find me telling you how to vote, just telling you TO GO VOTE. I like to hear the facts (when I can find them) and I want people to be interested in what is going on in America. I am proud to be an American & I am proud that my father, forefathers & my son have all stood up & swore to protect this great nation – and some of them have died doing it.
I won’t ask you to vote for my candidate, and I won’t tell you who I want to win; but I will tell you that you should be praying for our country and for all of the candidates that they will be leaders who are guided by values other than personal greed and self-empowering goals.
This country can not stand with the polarization that is happening among us – right or left we need to learn to look towards the middle in order to build our great nation’s strength back. And we need leaders who will do the same.
It takes each of us learning the facts and educating ourselves, holding to our values and then working hard to reach a compromise with those who have different values and ideals to achieve a plan that works for those who are willing to work hard to make it work. There is not a one of us who is not able to do something for the good of our country and our neighbors; no matter our financial well-being or our physical abilities.
America was built by hardworking people who all came here to follow a dream. They didn’t come here for a hand-out, just a hand-up. These same people made it great for all of us who live here today.
Working together to put strong leaders in our government is important if we want America to get back on her feet. We can no longer sit by and say that someone else will take care of it while more and more of America is bartered off to foreign countries when we have a wealth of human and natural resources right here. You have heard me say it before, America is not for sale!
I want to hand my children and grand-children a great nation to grow up in but I know it will take an effort of hard work. Telling others how to vote just won’t work. But helping to find and support leaders worthy of voting for on both a local and national level does help. Making sure I’m as educated as possible before I vote and knowing what my own principles and values are, and praying for our leaders those are ways I can help. And, if doing my part includes reminding people what values I think are important – through my music, my writing and this page…. then so be it.
God Bless America!
I’d love to hear from you. How do you educate yourself about the candidates? Do you vote along party lines? What issues are the most important to you?